You Might Think Less Of Me opens in May!

Come as you are! We look forward to seeing you in May!

They judged her to pieces, she fought to be whole.

You Might Think Less Of Me is a thought provoking solo performance that takes us on Girlie’s disturbing odyssey from girlhood to womanhood. We meet a ragtag assortment of outrageous and unsettling characters, both real and imaginary (including sock puppet Girlie, Marilyn Barbie, and Girlie’s bullies, to name just a few!), whose voices scrutinize and overpower Girlie. As Girlie is dissected into accepted and rejected pieces, we witness her battle to become whole.

A Family Legacy (of Abuse)

First Disclaimer:  The people in this story are real.  The names used are real.  The events are as accurate as possible from the perspective told.  Recalling this story is like playing a decades-long game of telephone, where one child whispers a story into the ear of another and that child repeats the story to another child down the line.  Only in this game of telephone, a child may wait many years or decades to pass the story along.  During this time, the original story heard from the previous child has become foggy and the subsequent child may not remember it accurately.  Or the child has grown older and the original story has taken on a different meaning or significance than when originally heard.

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No Shame: I Know This Now, As I Write Rather Than Make Cookies

by Jenny Fox © May 2022

(Names have been changed to protect privacy.)

When I think about writing this, all I want to do is make cookies. Making cookies is simple and easy. When I make cookies, I put in the measured ingredients according to instruction and get a predictable result. When I make cookies, I don’t have to feel anything. Writing about my miscarriage and abortions feels chaotic and vulnerable. I have no instructions for how to do this. Despite this discomfort, I am sharing my experiences because it is deeply damaging that having an abortion is still stigmatized. The same is true of miscarriage, though generally speaking, we are more sympathetic to women when they have miscarriages, and the legal right to have a miscarriage is not in question. Until those of us who have had abortions speak openly about our experiences, abortion will never be normalized. Please note the difference between normalized and trivialized. I am not seeking to trivialize abortion. I am seeking to normalize abortion. Being open about having an abortion does not currently feel safe. I beg you to be tender with me.

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Who Owns the Female Body?

As we await the Supreme Court’s likely reversal of Roe v. Wade, I am reading “The Girls Who Went Away” by Ann Fessler.  It is a heart-wrenching book about the “Baby Scoop Era” when millions of unwed women were forced to give up their babies for adoption during the years 1945 to 1973.  Without access to birth control or abortion, these women were kicked out of school and shunned from their communities, often labeled neurotic and psychologically deficient.  They were sent off to institutions until the babies reached full term at which time the women’s arms and legs were tied down while they gave birth.  Once the baby was born, many women were not allowed to hold their baby or even to see their baby.  After a short medical recovery, the mother would be coerced into signing the required adoption documents, if they ever signed documents at all.  The women were told to never speak of the events for fear of rendering them social outcasts for the rest of their lives.  Shamed first for having sex and shamed again for giving up their baby.  Meanwhile, the fathers continued on with their lives, assured that a single indiscretion should not derail their academic and professional aspirations.

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Humans Harmed By Hate

Afzaal-Salman Family, Ahmaud Arbery, Hattie Carroll, Vincent Chin, Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind, Yao Pan Ma, Rose Mallinger, Matthew Shepard, Emmett Till, Sophie Vasquez. In alpha last name order, all these persons were hate crime murdered. Racism, sexism, transgenderism, heterosexism, anti-Semitism, ageism, ableism are all forms of exclusionary hate. Hate is not human nature. Hate is learned. Tolerance is not the answer. Support the next generation not to be tolerant of differences but to be inclusive. Tolerance implies putting up with something that is distasteful. May we instead embrace diversity. Support the next generation to see and welcome differences. In memory of all human beings harmed by hate.

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Tits and Ass: Body, Mind, and the Pursuit of Wholeness

The young boys in my elementary school had already been socialized to evaluate the female form and deem it worthy or unworthy. They decided my body was unacceptable. Starting with the onset of puberty, boys taunted me daily with assaults of “Fatso!” and “Chubby!,” entertained when they discovered my tears flowed easily and encouraged to masochistically taunt more viciously.

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Newborn Care Class – March 10, 2022

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals…but parents do come with instincts! 

Reinforce your innate ability to help your newborn baby adjust to life outside the womb. Explore tips and techniques for soothing, swaddling, bathing, diapering, cord care, gas relief, massage, and temperature taking. Learn what items are essential to have on hand. Discuss options for sleeping arrangements (bed-sharing, co-sleepers, and cribs). 

This confidence boosting class offers a supportive and fun atmosphere in which to address concerns and questions about various aspects of parenting your new baby!

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The Journey Childbirth Education Series – February 24 & March 3

Prepare to walk the path! The Journey Childbirth Education Series™ explores childbirth as a normal, natural event while supporting parents to make informed choices and take an active role in their birth experiences, whether they choose to give birth at home or hospital. Through dynamic activities, discussions and practice, The Journey reinforces and enhances parents’ trust in their own abilities to prepare, give birth, and parent.

Cost – $115 per couple for both classes, $50 deposit to register

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Newborn Care Class – February 3, 2022

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals…but parents do come with instincts! 

Reinforce your innate ability to help your newborn baby adjust to life outside the womb. Explore tips and techniques for soothing, swaddling, bathing, diapering, cord care, gas relief, massage, and temperature taking. Learn what items are essential to have on hand. Discuss options for sleeping arrangements (bed-sharing, co-sleepers, and cribs). 

This confidence boosting class offers a supportive and fun atmosphere in which to address concerns and questions about various aspects of parenting your new baby!

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The Journey Childbirth Education Series – January 20 & 27

Prepare to walk the path! The Journey Childbirth Education Series™ explores childbirth as a normal, natural event while supporting parents to make informed choices and take an active role in their birth experiences, whether they choose to give birth at home or hospital. Through dynamic activities, discussions and practice, The Journey reinforces and enhances parents’ trust in their own abilities to prepare, give birth, and parent.

Cost – $115 per couple for both classes, $50 deposit to register

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