Newborn Care Class – February 3, 2022

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals…but parents do come with instincts! 

Reinforce your innate ability to help your newborn baby adjust to life outside the womb. Explore tips and techniques for soothing, swaddling, bathing, diapering, cord care, gas relief, massage, and temperature taking. Learn what items are essential to have on hand. Discuss options for sleeping arrangements (bed-sharing, co-sleepers, and cribs). 

This confidence boosting class offers a supportive and fun atmosphere in which to address concerns and questions about various aspects of parenting your new baby!

Cost – $30 per couple

February 3, 2022, 6pm-8pm

Motherhood Collective
610 S 8th Street
Las Vegas, NV. 89101

For more information or to register for this class, simply send an email to by clicking here.