Humans Harmed By Hate

Afzaal-Salman Family, Ahmaud Arbery, Hattie Carroll, Vincent Chin, Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind, Yao Pan Ma, Rose Mallinger, Matthew Shepard, Emmett Till, Sophie Vasquez. In alpha last name order, all these persons were hate crime murdered. Racism, sexism, transgenderism, heterosexism, anti-Semitism, ageism, ableism are all forms of exclusionary hate. Hate is not human nature. Hate is learned. Tolerance is not the answer. Support the next generation not to be tolerant of differences but to be inclusive. Tolerance implies putting up with something that is distasteful. May we instead embrace diversity. Support the next generation to see and welcome differences. In memory of all human beings harmed by hate.

Afzaal-Salman Family
Ahmaud Arbery
Hattie Carroll
Vincent Chin
Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind
Rose Mallinger
Yao Pan Ma
Matthew Shepard
Emmett Till
Sophie Vasquez